+31 (0)591 31 56 00 info@vos-prodect.com

Joint Bend Restrictor

Product reference: VPI JBR

VPI have devised a Joint Bend Restrictor system in order to safely lower VPI’s subsea protection systems onto the sea floor bed in a safe and consistent manner. Utilising a VPI CPS in conjunction with additional chains (varying in length) across the joint box section between the cables, the VPI JBR will ensure that the cables are lowered without compromising the MBR of the cables.

Safe lowering into subsea

Depending on the depth of the seabed where the cable is being lowered upon, will determine whether a beam will be required in conjunction with the VPI JBR. If the seabed is shallow then the VPI JBR can be utilised without a beam, however for deeper territories a beam maybe required in order to lower the VPI CPS in a safe and protective manner.

This popular system has been deployed with several cable manufacturers across the world and VPI are able to advise further on the exact requirements for deploying the VPI JBR in conjunction with your installation plans.

  • Easy, safe and secure installation of the CPS
  • Effective method to protect the cable from overbending/damage
  • Allows for the free span area to be fully secured whilst lowering the cable onto the seabed
  • Fast and efficient method to lower the cable from the vessel into the sea

For more information on our Joint Bend Restrictor – VPI JBR, please contact the team via info@vos-prodect.com